"Promoting Humanist Values and Critical Thinking on the South Coast"

Membership Information for the Humanist Society

If you are not already a member, we encourage you to join our Society. Annual membership dues are $36 for a single person, $60 for a couple, and $100 (or more) for a Supporter membership. Members receive the monthly newsletter and have the option of attending meetings, outings and special events sponsored by the Society.

Those unable to attend our monthly meetings may subscribe to our newsletter for an annual fee of $20, but are not entitled to other membership privileges. When attending our meetings, a donation of $2 from members and $5 from non-members is appreciated. First or second-time visitors are welcome on a complimentary basis. For more information, please contact Mary Wilk [email protected] 967-3045 or any member of our Society.

Our Mailing address:

Humanist Society of Santa Barbara

PO Box 30232 
Santa Barbara, CA 93130

Donate to HSSB via Paypal

Promoting Humanist Values and Critical Thinking on the South Coast




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What Is A Humanist?


A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
Charles Darwin